Honorable Governor Holcomb,
Let me begin by thanking you for your diligent and measured approach to the crisis we have faced. You and your team have coordinated a very thoughtful and calculated response to solving a problem that I am sure none of you imagined would occur on your watch.
When we first learned of this virus and its imminent arrival in the United States, the projections were frightening and nearly apocalyptic. 151 million Americans would contract this virus with an expected mortality rate of 3 to 5 percent. We were facing a loss of over 4 million Americans, including 100,000 Hoosiers.
Before the Government intervened many took it upon themselves to begin staying home and taking precautions against a devastating adversary. Businesses changed they way they operated and people became conscious of the way in which our interactions, no matter how slight, could have such unexpected consequences.
Five weeks ago you gave the order to further these actions by closing all “non-essential businesses” and restricting the operation of businesses deemed to be “essential”.
Since that time we have seen a dramatic decrease in the projections of the havoc wreaking potential of this virus. It was last determined by Dr. Fauci and his team that we could expect 60,000 casualties nationwide.
Your goal for our beloved State was to “flatten the curve” and prevent the mass casualties seen in New York and elsewhere.
As I write this letter, Indiana has seen just over 700 deaths. A tragic loss for our community; yet a massive win in the fight against the virus. Of our nearly 7 million residents, we have lost few.
I believe this number is directly related to our residents and business owners compliance with your order as well as the tireless efforts of those on the front lines who are fighting to save the lives of those infected.
On February 23rd, I closed my business and went home at your request. It is a very small business (a tattoo shop) that I opened just before completing a career in Law Enforcement that spanned more than 20 years and served not only the State of Indiana, but our great Nation as well.
I put everything I had into my business and it became a very successful operation for a one man show. It is a private, boutique style business in which I tattoo my clients one-on-one, by appointment only, with no walk-in traffic.
I pride myself on operating one of the cleanest, and most respected tattoo shops in our State. My clients come from all walks of life, from around the State, across the country, and often from around the world to be tattooed by me.
Leaving the Fort Wayne Police Department and the security of a career in Law Enforcement was a difficult decision. I was often uncertain of whether my business alone could sustain my basic needs.
Over the years my hard work and dedication to detail, as well as a focus on customer service, have alleviated those fears. I have cultivated a massive clientele, a solid reputation, and a sustainable business.
As a former Police Officer I believe in our leadership, in you, and have unquestionably complied with your orders. But, as we continue to stay at home I find myself growing increasingly concerned that I will begin to lose that which I have achieved if I do not return to work soon.
What I would ask of you is this; as you begin to plan the reopening of our economy please take into consideration businesses such as mine. Businesses owned by individuals who would take every precaution to ensure that this virus is not spread.
I would argue that my establishment is cleaner and safer than any grocery store, gas station, or other “essential” business seeing high levels of traffic and most likely more sterile than most walk-in clinics, Emergency Rooms, and general practitioners offices.
Please trust people like myself to reopen our economy on May 1st. You have a dedicated and talented staff (many of whom are my friends and clients) at the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission. I would welcome them, or the Allen County Board of Health, to vet my business as a safe place for reopening.
The blanket closure of “non-essential” businesses must be reconsidered as we approach May 1st. Our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and alleviate the strain on our healthcare system have been have been a success. We have undoubtedly “flattened the curve”.
What we cannot do is eradicate this virus by staying home indefinitely. If we attempt that, I, and so many others, will no longer have a place to call home.
I understand the burden upon your shoulders as your decisions directly affect the lives of all 6.7 million Hoosiers. You have done well as many thousands of lives have been saved by your decisions thus far.
I firmly believe there are ways to reopen businesses through the implementation of precautions that will mitigate the spread of this virus and allow us to maintain our dignity, as well as our responsibilities, by returning to work. Please apply your thoughtful approach toward saving lives to saving our way of life.
Thank you for your time, consideration, and hard work.